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Department bodies and contact persons

Organisational Structure

Director: Prof. Ugo CONSOLO

Deputy Director: Prof. Carlo SALVARANI

Head of Administrative Macro Area: Dr. Maria Grazia DE SANTIS
mail SECRETARIAT: - tel: +390594224462 - Office: Via del Pozzo 71, at Policlinico Modena, entrance 3, second floor, MO-32-02-051

Head of Accounting Macro Area: Emanuela LUCCO
email SECRETARIAT: - tel: +390594224460 - Office: Via del Pozzo 71, at Policlinico Modena, entrance 3, second floor, MO-32-02-043

Headquarters: Policlinico - via del Pozzo, 71, 41124 - Modena

Director: Prof. Ugo Consolo

Delegates and Contact Persons: Deputy Director Prof. Carlo Salvarani

Activation: the department was activated on 30 June 2012

- Director Prof. U. Consolo

- Deputy Director Prof. C. Salvarani

- 4 Full Professors: Prof. Elisabetta Blasi, Prof. Fabrizio di Benedetto, Prof. Stefano Luminari, Prof. Tommaso Minerva

- 3 Associate Professors: Prof. Pierantonio Bellini, Prof. Gianluca Carnevale, Prof. Luigi Generali

- 1 University Researcher: Dr Paola Sena

- 1 T/A staff representative: Mr. Alessandro Casarini

- 1 representative of research grant holders: Dr. Marika Quadri

- 1 resident representative: Dr Alberto Sticchi

- 1 student representative: Mr Giacomo Consiglio

- no. 1 representative co-ordinated and continuous collaboration contracts: Dr. Shamloo Soraya Elisabeth  

- 1 doctoral student representative: Luisa Righetti

Representatives of the lecturers and researchers on the Department Council, in the Board of the Faculty of Medicine: Prof. Carlo Salvarani, Prof. Tommaso Minerva, Dr. Laura Bertoni

Research Commission: prof.ssa C. Mussini, prof.ssa C. Iani, Prof. G. Carnevale, Prof. J. Bertacchini, Prof. Pericolini, Prof. M. Nasi.
The contact person for the Research Commission is Prof. Cristina Mussini.

Didactic Commission: Prof. L. Generali, Prof. P. Bellini, Prof. D. Mecugni (delegate CdL Nursing RE), Dr. P. Sena (delegate CdL Biomedical Laboratory Techniques), Prof. T. Minerva and Dr. Annamaria De Santis (delegate CdL Digital Education), Dr. S. Costi (delegate CdL Physiotherapy).
The contact person for the Teaching Commission is Prof. Luigi Generali.

Third Mission Commission: prof. L. Vezzali, prof.ssa C. Longo, Prof. A. Iannone.
The contact person for the Third Mission Commission is Prof. Anna Iannone.

Quality Assurance Commission: prof. A. Levi, prof. T. Minerva, prof.ssa C. Longo, prof. L. Bertoni, prof. V. Checchi, Dr. E. Palazzo.
The contact person for the Quality Commission is Prof. Alberto Levi.

Internationalisation Commission: Prof.ssa A. Marconi, Prof.ssa E. Bisagno, Prof. L. Monaco, Prof. T. Minerva, Prof.ssa J. Bertacchini, Prof.ssa D. Mecugni, Dr. S. Costi, Dr. P. Sena.
The contact person for the Internationalisation Commission is Prof. Alessandra Marconi.

Web and Comunication Commission: Prof. F. Farnetani, Dr. P. Magistri, Dr. S. Puliatti, Dr. M. Manfredini.
Contact person for the Web and Communication Commission is Prof. Francesca Farnetani

Departmental RQD: Prof. Alberto Levi.

Contact person for the calculation of the Department's teaching requirements: Prof. Luigi Generali.

Contact person for spaces: for the Modena-Policlinico site: Prof. Maria Grazia Modena; for the Reggio Emilia site: Prof. Tommaso Minerva and Prof. Carlo Salvarani.

Department representative on the Board of the University Language Centre - three-year period 2021/2024: Prof. Laura Bertoni.

Department representative on the Stabularium Executive Board - three-year period 2024/2027: Prof. L. Bertoni.

Department representative in the Scientific Council of the Medical Library: Prof. Francesca Farnetani.

Departmental contact person for sport: Prof. Maria Grazia Modena.

Department representative on the CIGS Board - Interdepartmental Centre for Large Instruments for the three-year period 2021/2024: Prof. Luigi Generali

Equal Opportunities Contact Person: Prof. Cristina Mussini

The Teacher-Student Joint Commission is composed of an equal number of teachers and students, according to the methods established by the Faculty Council. Where possible, the student component must be representative of the different courses of study pertaining to the Departments connected in the Faculty.
The Joint Teacher-Student Commission, established pursuant to art. 32 of the Statute, is responsible for monitoring the educational offering and the quality of teaching, as well as the student service activity by professors and researchers, for identifying indicators for the evaluation of results, and for formulating opinions on the activation and suppression of courses of study.
The CP-DS has the main task of annually drafting a report divided into CdS, which takes into consideration the entire educational offering, with particular reference to the results of the survey of student opinion, indicating any problems specific to the individual CdS.
The annual report of the CPDS, based on independent analysis elements (and not only on the QA documents of the Degree Courses), is sent to the Ministry of the University and must be sent to the Evaluation Unit (NdV), the University Quality Presidium (PQA), as well as to the Departments/Faculties and Degree Courses concerned, which receive it and take action to develop improvement proposals (in collaboration with the CPDS. The relevant aspects of this process must be highlighted both in the NdV Reports and in the RRCs.

Luca PinganiPresidente
Maria Letizia BellesiaStudente (Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria)
Baccarini GiuliaStudente (Ostetricia)
Stefania BergaminiDocente
Pietro Zauli SajaniStudente (Medicina e Chirurgia)
Giuseppe BiaginiDocente
Edoardo GaleottiStudente (Medicina e Chirurgia)
Lara GibelliniDocente
Matilde MaistoStudente (Logopedia)
Alessia CadamuroDocente
Anna TerziStudente (Infermieristica – Modena)
Roberto TonelliDocente
Mattia MarchiStudente (Scuole di Dottorato)
Tommaso Filippini Docente
Margherita MartinelliStudente (Medicina e Chirurgia)
Alessandra OttaniDocente
Alina MaselliPTA

Department Council (restricted access)

Teaching Committee (restricted access)

Research Committee (restricted access)

Third Mission Committee (restricted access)

Quality Assurance Committee (restricted access)

Internationalization Committee (restricted access)

Web and Communication Committee (restricted access)