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The Department of Surgery, Medicine, Dentistry and Morphological Sciences with interest in Transplantology, Oncology and Regenerative Medicine is included in the HEALTH area, linked to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in accordance with art. 2, paragraph 2c, of Law 240 of 30.12.2012. The Department was established, with DR no. 26/2012, on the initiative of Basic Disciplines Lecturers and Researchers, an essential support for applied clinical research. The main objective of the Department is to promote the integration of different competences, making clinical-assistance experiences synergic with basic research methodologies, to develop innovative scientific activity for the study of diseases with a high clinical-epidemiological impact, such as degenerative, oncological, infectious and inflammatory-chronic diseases and regenerative medicine.

The scientific objectives pursued by the Department are based on integrated and transversal study topics in the areas of Advanced Surgery (robotics, transplant surgery); Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (cornea transplants, ureter and bladder reconstruction, regrowth of skin flaps, role of stem cells in infectious diseases); Oncology (molecular and cellular mechanisms of the onset and control of growth and advanced therapy of melanoma); Infectious and chronic inflammatory diseases (identification of pathogenetic processes and therapeutic targets in infectious and chronic inflammatory diseases).

In the teaching field, the Department provides teaching for single-cycle Master's Degree Courses, Master's Degree Courses and three-year Study Courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery; it also provides teaching for Study Courses of the Department of Life Sciences, in the Life Sciences area, of this University.

The Department includes the Directors/Coordinators of the Schools of Specialisation in Cardiology, Dermatology, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, Ophthalmology; Clinical Pathology, Urology.

Support for teaching and clinical research is located at Azienda Policlinico Modena and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova in Reggio Emilia.